Thursday, January 28, 2021

What is Transcript and Official Transcript?

Transcripts are important documents that one will  require  for  various purposes like higher education, employment, and immigration purposes. It is the official documentation of a student’s academic record. There    are  mainly two types of transcripts and they are Transcript  of   Marks   and Official Transcript. Essentially both transcripts are the same, but there is a slight difference in the contents included in the transcript of marks and an official transcript.

Transcript of marks has the entire academic record of a student in a single sheet. It contains details like the courses taken, all grades received, all honors received and degree conferred to a student. Whereas the official transcript contains details like the name of the student, university, duration of the study, courses taken, credits earned, etc.

An official transcript is needed when you are immigrating to a foreign country for higher studies. It is required while you are applying for admission to foreign schools and universities. It helps the authorities in the educational institution to know the past academic records of the students.

A University transcript is needed when you are immigrating to countries like Canada and the U.S for completing the credential evaluation procedure. You are required to apply for a university transcript from the university where you completed your education for doing the credential evaluation.

Do you need assistance in completing the credential evaluation service for immigrating to Canada, then please visit our official website for more information.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Important Tips for Immigrant Job Searchers in Canada

Canada is one of the best countries that   offer      better        employment opportunities for immigrants. Every year people flow to Canada in search of job opportunities that provide a huge salary and better living conditions. 

credential evaluation

A vast majority of the immigrants who come to Canada are skilled workers. Finding a job is a tough quest for the immigrants and that too in a new country. Here are some of the tips for immigrants while looking for job opportunities in Canada:

Preparation for job search: To get better employment opportunities you need to polish your skills required for your desired job. You can take the career pathway programs to learn the skills that you lack. 

 Job networking: Update your LinkedIn profile and connect with potential employers and companies. You can send your resumes for the jobs that you’re interested in.

Documents needed: You will require your educational documents and experience certificate from prior employment along with your resume and cover letter. 

Credential evaluation: The credential evaluation report is an important document if you are searching for employment in Canada. Credential evaluation helps employers and organizations to better understand your educational credentials gained from your home country. Submit your credential evaluation report along with your job application. 

 World Education Service [WES] is a non-profit organization that offers credential evaluation services for professionals who are immigrating to Canada. To know more credential evaluation services for Indian educational documents,

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Requirements to Immigrate to Canada from India

Canada is on the top list of countries that Indian prefer for immigration. Canada offers better employment and higher education opportunities, a high standard of living, etc. Lakhs of Indians apply for a Canadian visa every year. The country offers various immigration programs for skilled workers, professionals, students, etc. 

There are many requirements that one should meet for immigrating to Canada. They are:

Choosing the immigration program: those who are planning to migrate to Canada should choose the right immigration program provided by the Canadian government. You also need to make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria for applying to that program. You can choose immigration systems like express entry or Provincial Nominee program, etc. 

Language skills: To immigrate to Canada under the express entry program, you are required to prove your English or French language ability. For that, you need to take an approved language test and score the minimum points required for the program. 

Documents required: The documents that one will require for Canadian immigration depends on the type of immigration program that one applied for. In general, you need to submit documents like an educational credential assessment report, proof of work experience, identification or travel documents, proof of fund, language test results, etc. 

Credential evaluation: Credential evaluation is an important process that you should complete to give recognition to your educational credentials gained from your home country. WES or the World Education Services offer the best credential evaluation services for professionals and students immigrating to Canada. 

Need help in completing the WES credential evaluation service for Canada immigration? Please contact or visit our official website for more information.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

WES Credential Evaluation Criteria for Accounting Candidate

Canada is one of the countries that offer better salaries, job security, and work variety for professional accountants. It is one of the most popular professions in Canada. In 2015, all the Chartered Accountant [CA], Certified Management Accountant [CMA], CGA designations were merged to create a new designation in Canada called the Chartered Professional Accountant [CPA].

Credential evaluation is an important immigration process for students and professionals who are immigrating to Canada. Credential evaluation helps to give recognition to one’s previous studies gained from one’s home country in Canada. Many organizations are there in Canada that offer credential evaluation. The most popular among those organizations is World Education Services [WES].

WES credential evaluation is an important process for internationally educated accountants to work in Canada and the U.S. To work as an accountant in Canada, an internationally educated candidate must first submit their educational credentials for WES credential evaluation assessment. Each Canadian Province has a regional accounting body and it is important that the candidate must check with the regional accounting body before applying. The candidate must enroll in a CPA program and pass the exam for becoming a professional accountant in Canada.

Do you need assistance in completing the WES credential evaluation process? Then please visit our website or contact us for more information.

University Transcript from Gujarat Technical University

A University transcript is the official    documentation   of    a   student’s academic record. It contains details like the courses taken, ...